

As we age, the chance of developing glaucoma increases. However, a surprise for many patients is that it is not a singular disorder. It is an umbrella term for a collection of eye conditions that can damage the optic nerve. The treatment offered at Innovative Eye Care in Bakersfield, CA, slows glaucoma down and sometimes, prevents loss of vision.

Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma can eventually result in blind spots in the field of vision as damage to a patient’s optic nerve advances. It ranks second among the top causes of U.S. blindness.

Patients experience damage to the eyes and vision when internal eye pressure rises as the aqueous humor builds up. This problem can cause blindness without sufficient treatment. Our eye doctor notes that once an individual has lost vision, it is impossible to restore it.

The two types of glaucoma, open-angle (the more common) and angle-closure, differ from each other according to the way eye fluid blockage occurs and fails to drain properly. Sections of blind spots occurring in the side or central visual field are common for open-angle patients. As it advances, tunnel vision might develop. Typical signs for angle-closure sufferers include eye pain, eye redness, headaches, blurred vision, and halos surrounding lights.

Healthcare providers recognize these as major risk factors:

  • Genetics
  • Age older than 50
  • Severe nearsightedness or farsightedness
  • Prior eye injury
  • Certain types of eye surgeries
  • Corneas that have thin central sections
  • Extended use of corticosteroids
  • African-American, Asian, or Hispanic ethnicity
  • Elevated intraocular pressure

Diagnosis and Treatment from Our Eye Doctors

Glaucoma is not a preventable disorder. Our eye doctor stresses that an early diagnosis followed by customized treatment is the key to preserving the maximum amount of vision. The objective is the reduction of the pressure in the eye.

Our optometrist diagnoses glaucoma during a comprehensive exam that includes digital field analysis to pinpoint risk factors and determine whether additional testing is warranted. We regularly monitor diagnosed patients using optical coherence tomography and alter treatment to attempt to slow the progression of the disease. Prescription eye drops and systemic medications benefit many patients. In some cases, our optometrist might recommend surgery.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

Be proactive about preserving your best vision and undergo regular eye exams that can reveal glaucoma and other diseases. Our optometry offers a full range of optometric services for patients ranging from youngsters to seniors. We also have a wide selection of eyewear to help you enjoy the best sight possible. Call Innovative Eye Care in Bakersfield, CA, today at (661) 213-3310 to schedule an exam with our optometrist and help protect your vision.

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