Eye Exam FAQs

Protect Your Vision With Regular Eye Exams

No doubt your vision is very important to you. Losing your sight would cause drastic changes in our life. One way to protect your sight is to use proper eye protective gear when performing tasks that could damage your eyes. Another simple, but significant way to protect your vision, is to have regular eye exams. The one-on-one attention you will receive at Innovative Eye Care in Bakersfield, CA will help to keep your eyes healthy and your vision at an optimal level.


What Happens During an Eye Exam?

During a basic eye exam, your optometrist will discuss your medical history with you. It is important that they understand if any genetic eye issues exist in your family. They also will ask you about your medical history. Certain conditions like diabetes can have an effect on the health of your eyes. And of course, they will ask you if you are having any vision problems.

After discussing your family and personal medical history with you, then they will perform the following tests:

  • Glaucoma test: A main symptom of glaucoma is high pressure inside of your eye. A common test to measure your eye pressure is the "puff-of-air" test. Based on your eye's resistance to the puff of air, the inner pressure of your eye is calculated. 
  • Acuity test: An acuity test checks the keenness of your vision. How well can you see different letters and symbols at a distance? You usually will be instructed to cover one eye at a time while taking the test. The results will help your eye doctor understand your distance vision. 
  • Pupil dilation: Your optometrist may dilate your pupils to allow more light to enter your eye. This gives them the ability to thoroughly inspect the inside of your eye. A better view of the inside of your eyes will help them detect problems in their early stages. 
  • Refraction test: A refraction test provides your eye doctor the prescription of corrective lenses you need. By looking through different strength lenses, corrective lenses can be fine-tuned for each eye.

How Often Should I Have an Eye Exam?

The answer to that question mainly rests with the health of your eyes. Normally, an eye exam is scheduled for every two years. But if you are dealing with an eye health condition, your eye doctor may schedule eye exams more often. 

What Vision Symptoms I am Experiencing Should I Schedule an Eye Exam?

  • Vision becomes blurry
  • Eyes become sensitive to light
  • Squinting a lot to focus
  • Repeated eye fatigue
  • Changes in night vision
  • Eye infection
  • Frequent headaches
  • Straight lines appear wavy

Where Should I go for My Eye Exams?

When you receive an eye exam, you are trusting the optometrist performing it. Your vision is at stake! If you live in the Bakersfield, CA area, you can trust the high-quality optometry services provided at Innovative Eye Care. Call us to set up an eye exam. We will take good care of your vision. 

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